I’m so excited for Recycling Humanity #4 – Midpoint Station! Books 4 and 5 both star Talia Jade, an amazing young woman in an ordinary job, living an extraordinary life. Midpoint Station is set a generation after the first three books, Recycling Humanity, Starlight Max, and Biolab Zeg.

I’m especially excited because Midpoint gets the Migration and its ragtag remnant of humans closer to their new home planet. There’s hope, there’s adventure, and of course there’s a bad guy (gal in this case). And cameo appearances by some of our favorites from the earlier books!

One of the questions I get as an author is how much do you put of yourself and your life into your books? As a fiction author (especially science fiction) it’s easy to say nothing. Right? I don’t live in space, and I was definitely not a kick-ass seventeen year old like my main characters. I wish I had been. So maybe that’s a small part of what we as authors put into our work – parts of us we wish had been.

But in my case there’s more to it than that. I grew up in diverse communities – my mom worked for the Apollo program and kept me in computer programming classes – and we also lived on a hippie commune in the mountains of Montana (after hitchhiking across country selling jewelry). I was a child of two worlds. Hippie child and space geek. So there’s a lot of the people I met, the cultures and ways of life I experienced, and the many ranges of human sanity that I’ve run into. I’m actually writing a non-fiction book on creative writing that tells more about these diverse experiences and their affect on my writing life. Look for that later in the year.

For now – start with Recycling Humanity first, if you haven’t read it yet – the ebook will be on sale next week for 99 cents from May 22 – 26, 2018. And look for Recycling Humanity #5 – Talia’s Planet – in June!

Here’s to all of our diverse, stuck-between-two-world lives, and amazing adventures!



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Hi! I’m Heather Lee Dyer, the award-winning author of several YA Sci-Fy and YA Urban Fantasy series.

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