Where in the world did December go?? I felt the month of December was a holding time, as if I was slowly, excruciatingly just waiting around for something to happen. Maybe for the busyness of the holidays to be over. Or maybe it was because I was working hard to set my goals for 2019. Or maybe I was just impatiently waiting for my third Delta Fringe bookto finally be released to the world!! Probably, all of the above.

Farewell, December 2018!

Patience is definitely tested when you’re juggling deadlines and multiple jobs. Throw in health issues, good and bad family events, and you have a recipe for quite the roller coaster ride!

And now it’s the third week of January and my carefully thought out goalsare already destroyed for the year.

Not really destroyed, but changed.More like morphed into something more colorful, beautiful, and exciting than I could have come up with for myself. I love it when the universe shows us that there is more out there than what we can imagine!

I’m normally a very goal-oriented person. I love checklists, sticky note reminders all over the house, to-do calendars, vision boards, and long-term and short-term goals. I took December to set all these up for 2019. I was ready for 2019.

One of the practices I adopted a few years back that I find one of the most useful is called “My 3 Words.” I learned this practice from Chris Brogan. See his 2019 blog here. My three words for 2019 are Focus, Gratitude, and Leadership. I imagined these would work nicely with my expanding author business. Focus on writing, have gratitude for all the people and opportunities in my path (these have been amazing over the years!), and leadership for the middle grade and high school mentoring I love to do.

And then January flipped me on my head. Where December was a slow crawl to the finish line, January has fueled my creative flame, given me opportunitiesI didn’t see coming, and most importantly, showed me how to pivot with grace.

Many of the items on my 2019 goals list will stay the same:

  • I still intend to publish 6-8 books this year.
  • I will continue to learn and grow in my writing and marketing.
  • I even invested in a Masterclass subscription and look forward to getting through all the writing classes, and of course Chris Hadfield’s class on all things space!

But now I’m aware that I will need to limit my Netflix time, useless social activities, and the number of conferences I go to this year. This way I can focus more on writing and the other opportunities that have presented themselves in my life.

This is pivoting. Just like in the show Friends. The one with the couch. 🙂 I’m still doing the same stuff – writing, speaking, learning – it just might look a little different than I had originally planned. And I’m all right with that.

A few of the long-term projects and opportunities I can’t reveal just yet. I promise as soon as I can I will let my newsletter and blog readers know first!!!! So keep reading this blog or sign up for my newsletterto find out what is coming next for me this year!

In the short term, I’m excited for the release of the boxset for books 1-3 of the Delta Fringe seriesthis week! If you haven’t read this newest series of mine yet, now you can binge-read all three! (My amazing covers are done by Elle at Evernight Designs!)

Keep writing and creating!


Also check me out here:

Website: www.heatherleedyer.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heatherleedyer/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/heatherleedyer/

Amazon: Amazon Author Page

Bookbub Author Page

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Hi! I’m Heather Lee Dyer, the award-winning author of several YA Sci-Fy and YA Urban Fantasy series.

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