Talking about Creativity Over Perfection on the Born to Write Podcast!

Heather Lee Dyer on the Born to Write Podcast with Azul Terronez An amazing opportunity – a podcast interview with book coach Azul Terronez![…]

Creativity Over Perfection: The World Needs Your Book!

 This Thursday October 11, 2018 my first non-fiction creative writing book will be available on Amazon!!! I’m super excited about this book –[…]

Delta Fringe Series Books 1 and 2!

Buy Station Coroner on Amazon! Buy Delta Fringe on Amazon! SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave

Station Coroner, Book 1 of My New Series is Here!

Just a quick note to all my super awesome readers about my newest book launch!!! I’m so excited that it’s here! This book[…]

Book Launch: Talia’s Planet, book 5 is out in the world today! #YASF

June 13, 2018 Book Launch! And it’s here! Talia’s Planet, book 5 is now available on Amazon! It feels so good to have all[…]